How Can Living On Campus While Earning Your Degree Can Help You Save Money

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Are you thinking about getting your degree while staying on campus🌟? Good news! Living on campus can help you save money while you go to school. In this article, we’ll look at why it’s a good idea to live on campus. It can make your education cheaper and give you access to school stuff. We’ll also talk about How Living On Campus While Earning Your Degree Can Help You Save Money and tips for spending less while you’re here. Let’s begin!

living on campus while earning your degree can help you save money

✍ Key Highlights :

  • πŸ’° Living off-campus can be expensive due to high rent costs, utilities, and transportation expenses.
  • 🏫 Living on campus offers financial benefits, including fixed fees covering housing and utilities, saving money on food, and easy access to school resources.
  • πŸ’Έ Financial aid and scholarships are available to make college more affordable.
  • πŸ’‘ There are three main types of federal student aid: grants, loans, and work-study jobs.
  • πŸ“ FAFSA is a free application for college aid that you should complete to secure financial assistance.
  • πŸŽ“ Scholarships can help cover the costs of college, and they don’t require repayment.

How Can Living On Campus While Earning Your Degree Can Help You Save Money?🧠

Let us discuss step by step how Living on Campus While Earning Your Degree Can Help You Save Money?

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Cost of Living Off-Campus πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ

Living off-campus can be costly, and there are a few things that can make it expensive:

Rent: 🏠

Rent is the money you pay to live in a place. It can be really high, from $1,000 to $2,500 every month, depending on where you live.


Utilities are things like electricity, gas, water, and the internet. They can cost around $200 each month in a one-bedroom apartment.

Transportation: πŸš—

Getting around can also cost money. If you have a car, you need to think about gas, insurance, and fixing the car. If you use buses or trains, you’ll need to pay for tickets.

So, living away from campus can be expensive because you have to pay for these things on your own.

Some Interesting Statistics and Facts Related to The Topic πŸ’‘

  1. College Costs in the US: Going to college in the United States can be expensive. On average, it costs about $26,373 a year according to the Statista. That’s a lot of money!
  2. Community College Tuition: If you’re thinking about a community college, it’s a bit cheaper. In 2022/23, the cost was about $3,770 a year.
  3. Savings for College: In 2020, not many parents (only 20%) were saving money for their kids’ college. It’s important to save up!
  4. College Tuition in 2021-2022:Β  In 2021-2022, the average cost for tuition and fees at public four-year colleges was $10,560 for in-state students. It can be a big part of college costs.
  5. Room and Board Costs: Living on campus in a public four-year college costs around $11,620 on average. It’s important to budget for it.
  6. Financial Aid Stats: Many students (87%) at four-year colleges got financial aid in the 2018-2019 school year. It’s a big help.

Source: Statista, Quizlet & College basics


Benefits of Living on Campus 🎁

Living on campus during college has lots of advantages. Here are some of them:

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Less Money Worries:

When you live on campus, you often pay a fixed fee that covers your housing, utilities (like electricity and water), and sometimes even meals.

This can be cheaper and more predictable than renting an apartment and paying separate bills. You also save money on food because many colleges provide meal plans, which means you don’t have to cook or eat out as much.

Close to Classes:

Living on campus means you’re just a short walk from your classes. You don’t have to spend time or money on transportation, whether it’s taking a bus, driving a car, or riding a bike.

This is especially helpful when you have early-morning classes or late-night study sessions because you can get to and from your classes quickly.

Access to School Stuff:

Being on campus means you’re near all the school resources. You can quickly go to the library to study, use computer labs for your assignments, and join study groups with other students.

You won’t have to travel far from your dorm room to find the things you need for your studies, making your college life more convenient.

πŸ‘‰ Read More: 10 Most Common Money Saving Struggles & Victories Β πŸ”₯

πŸ‘‰ Read More: How Living at Home While Studying can Save you Big Buks πŸ”₯

Financial Aid and Scholarships πŸ˜ƒ

When it comes to paying for college, there are two main ways to get help. The first one is called “financial aid.” It’s like getting some money to help you pay for college, but you usually have to pay it back later.

The second way is through “scholarships.” Scholarships are pretty awesome because you don’t have to pay them back. They’re like special rewards for doing well in school, needing money, or meeting certain criteria.

So, whether you get financial aid or scholarships, they can make college more affordable and accessible for you.

What are The Three Types of Federal Student Aid?

There are three main types of aid the government provides to help with college costs:

  1. Grants: Grants are like gifts – you don’t have to pay them back. They’re for students who need financial help and can cover things like tuition and fees. The most famous one is the Pell GrantΒ for students with money challenges.
  2. Loans: Loans are like borrowed money you have to pay back, with extra money called interest. The government offers different types of loans, but they have fixed interest rates and ways to pay them back when you’re done with school.
  3. Work-Study Jobs: Work-study means you can get a part-time job on campus if you need financial help. You earn money to cover your college costs. It’s a way to work and learn at the same time!Β These jobs are typically on-campus and can be used to help pay for educational expenses.


FAFSA is a free application form that helps you get money for college. Lots of states and schools use it to figure out how much college aid you can get.

You can find the FAFSA form on the Federal Student Aid website. Usually, you can start filling it out on October 1 for the next school year.

And if you’re going to college in the fall, make sure you finish it by June 30. It’s like your ticket to college money!


You can get scholarships for doing well in school, needing money, or meeting certain rules. The cool thing is, you don’t have to pay them back!

These scholarships can help you pay for your classes, books, and other college stuff. Lots of colleges and even outside groups give these scholarships to students who fit the requirements. It’s like getting a special gift to make college more affordable!

Tips for Saving Money While Living on Campus πŸ’°:

Here are some easy ways to keep more money in your pocket while you’re at college:

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  1. Cook Your Own Food: Instead of eating out or ordering takeout, try cooking your meals in your dorm or apartment. Buying groceries and preparing your food is usually cheaper than dining at restaurants or getting fast food. It can save you a lot of money in the long run.
  2. Enjoy Free Campus Fun: Many colleges and universities organize free events for students. These events can include concerts, movie nights, and interesting talks or lectures. They’re a great way to have fun and socialize without spending money on entertainment.
  3. Take the Bus or Train: If you need to go somewhere off-campus, consider using public transportation like buses or trains instead of driving a car. It’s often cheaper and can save you money on gas, parking fees, and car maintenance.
  4. Get Used Textbooks: Textbooks for your classes can be expensive. To save money, look for used textbooks at your college bookstore or online. Some libraries even let you borrow textbooks, which can be a great way to cut down on textbook costs.
  5. Share a Place: If you live with roommates, you can split the rent and utility bills, making it more affordable for everyone. It’s a smart way to save on housing costs.
  6. Apply for Scholarships: Scholarships are like gifts of money for students. They can help cover your college expenses, including the cost of living on campus. If you qualify, you won’t have to pay this money back, which makes it a fantastic way to reduce your college expenses.

So, by following these tips, you can make your college experience more affordable and have more money for the things you enjoy.


Living on campus during college is a clever financial decision. It’s a smart money move because it’s usually cheaper than living off-campus. When you live on campus, you’re right next to all the great school stuff like the library and computer labs, which makes college life easier.

Plus, staying on campus can help you get extra financial help and more scholarships to make college costs even lower. You also save money by avoiding the need for travel expenses. We hope we have explained well How Living On Campus While Earning Your Degree Can Help You Save Money and don’t forget the helpful tips we’ve shared in this article to make sure you’re in good shape financially during your college adventure.


Q1. Is living on campus cheaper than living off campus?

Living on campus is often cheaper than living off campus because it’s bundled with tuition and fees, and you don’t need to worry about transportation costs.

Q2. What are the benefits of living on campus?

Living on campus is great because it’s cheaper, close to classes, and gives you easy access to campus resources like libraries and computer labs.

Q3. How can I save money while living on campus?

To save money in college, cook your meals, enjoy free campus events, use public transportation, buy used textbooks, live with roommates, and apply for scholarships.

Q4. What types of federal student aid help pay for housing in college?

Three types of federal student aid are grants (free money), loans (need to be paid back with interest), and work-study jobs.

Q5. What’s the average cost of room and board at a four-year university?

According to the College Board Report For 2022-23, it’s about $12,310 for an in-state, four-year university in the United States.

Q6. How can I save money in a college dorm?

Choose a less costly meal plan, use energy-efficient appliances, and enjoy free campus amenities like the gym and library.

Q7. What’s the best way to save money as a student?

Make a budget and stick to it. Use student discounts, buy used textbooks, and cook your meals instead of eating out.

Q8. How do people afford to live in college?

They afford it by taking student loans, working part-time jobs, and getting financial aid through grants and scholarships.

Q9. How does a work-study program save money in college?

A work-study program provides part-time jobs on campus for students with financial needs, helping cover educational expenses.

Q10. How to save on tuition for a bachelor’s degree?

Save on tuition by attending an in-state public university, applying for scholarships, and using tuition reimbursement from your job.

Q11. What federal funding is like free money?

Grants are free money because you don’t need to pay them back.

Q12. What federal funding is based on financial need?

Grants and work-study funds are based on financial need.

Q13. Which federal financial aid is considered free money?

Grants are considered free money since you don’t have to repay them.

Q14. Which federal loan depends on financial need?

Direct Subsidized Loans are federal loans based on financial need.

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