Fed up with those sky-high interest rates on your loans? Ready to cut costs and save some cash? You’re in the right place. This article has real tips to reduce your overall loan expenses. Whether you’re thinking about refinancing, consolidating debt, or talking with your lender, we’ve got you covered. So, kick back, chill, and discover how can you reduce your total loan cost to save more money for your Money Saving Challenge.
Interesting Factsπ‘
β¨ According to Forbes Advisor’s 2023 survey on debt consolidation trends, 54% of people used personal loans to simplify and reduce monthly payments, 42% to lower interest rates, and 35% to decrease overall debt.
β¨Since 2005, the lending sector in the United States has almost doubled. FDIC-insured commercial banks alone provided around $12 trillion in loans and leases.
β¨As of March 2023, about 44 million U.S. borrowers owed over $1.6 trillion in federal student loans. When you add private loans, the total surpasses $1.7 trillion, making it more than auto loans and credit card debt. Only home mortgage debt, around $12 trillion, is higher.